วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2560


**เอาไปอ่านกัน อิอิๆ (กูเกิ้ลช่วยได้ครับ)

*LCFHC* means *Love China Feng Huang Coin.* Feng Huang is interpreted in English Language as *Phoenix,* hence the name *Phoenix Coin.*
It is a cryptocurrency set to be launched later this year by some Asian Entrepreneurs in collaboration with their government.
In a layman’s language, LCFHC can be described as another version of Bitcoin.
Besides, the coin, LCFHC is on track to combine the best of MLM like AMWAY and the best of AMAZON and ALIBABA in one HOUSE.
What makes *LCFHC* exceptional is that you don't have to buy the coins; they are literally given to you *Free of Charge* and right now the company is gathering the best leader's in the world to spread the news and recruit more members with handsome reward attached.
*Free Entry Signup Bonus:*
Free entry signup bonus: $1,380 as points on your dashboard.
*Ranks & Leadership Bonus*
*1 Star Leader*
When you refer 20 persons and have a minimum of 200 members in your team, you will be promoted to the rank of a 1 Star Leader, known as Team leader. with a reward of $26,000.
Cash out limit: to be advised in latter.
*2 Star Leader*
When you have 6 (2 star Leaders )among your direct (Level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...) downlines, you will be promoted to 2 Star Leader, known as city Leader with a reward of $50,000.
Cash out limit: to be advised latter.
*3 Star Leader*
When you have 6 (3 star Leaders) among your direct (Level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...) downlines, you will be promoted to 3 Star Leader known as Provincial Leader with a reward of $80,000.
Cash out limit: to be advised latter.
*4 Star Leader*
When you have 6 (4 star Leader) among your direct (Level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...) downlines, you will be promoted to 4 Star Leader known as State Leader with a reward of $110,000.
Cash out limit: to be advised latter.
*5 Star Leader*
When you have 6 (5 Star Leaders) among your direct (Level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...) downlines, you will be promoted to 5 Star Leader known as Nation Leader with a reward of $300,000.
Cash out limit: to be advised latter.
*Usage of Points in USD*
1/3 of your points will be assigned for the purchase of over 600,000+ goods and services from over 60,000 *LCFHC* approved online/offline merchants.
1/3 of your points will be assigned for buying more coins for the splits: 2 times every 3 month for 2 years.
1/3 of your points can be cashed out immediately or after LCF Coin is launched.
*Other benefits*
*Direct Referral Bonus*
US$100 in Points for every direct Level 1 downline you refer.
*Consumed Coins & Reimbursement*
If you consumed x amount of coins for purchases, and your total downlines consumed 25 times of the x amount of coins, the company will pay back the x amount of coins into your wallet!
**ก็เอามาจากกลุ่มอีกทีแหละ คล้ายเวอร์ชั่นไทยอะนะ รอกัน 10 มิถุนานี้ **

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